Affiliate Disclosure for Spares2Compare

Welcome to Spares2Compare. Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive, up-to-date information and recommendations for car parts. In the spirit of transparency and compliance, this disclosure outlines our use of affiliate links and how they contribute to our website.

Understanding Affiliate Links

Assumption of Affiliate Links

We want to be upfront with our users. Please assume that every outbound link on our website is an affiliate link. This means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Icon Indication

For clearer transparency, each affiliate link on our site is marked with a distinctive icon. This icon serves as a visual cue, indicating that the link is an affiliate link. Partnerships: Our website participates in affiliate programs with various online retailers, including eBay, Amazon, and others. These partnerships are essential for us to earn fees by linking to their products.

How Affiliate Links Affect You

No Extra Cost To You

Using our affiliate links does not incur any additional cost to you. In fact, in some cases, our partnerships might even enable us to offer you special discounts. Unbiased Recommendations: Our product recommendations are based on thorough research and analysis, independent of our affiliate relationships. The potential to earn a commission does not influence our advice or the price of the items.

Contribution to Our Site

Your support in purchasing through these affiliate links enables us to maintain and grow our website, allowing us to continue providing valuable content to our community.

Commitment to Transparency

Full Disclosure

We are committed to full transparency regarding our affiliate relationships. Therefore, we provide this disclosure to inform you of our practices.

Regular Updates

We will update this disclosure as needed to reflect changes in our affiliate relationships and to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

Your Support

Your trust is important to us. We understand that using our affiliate links is a choice, and we appreciate your support in helping us maintain and improve our website. If you have any questions about our affiliate links or policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information

For inquiries about this affiliate disclosure or any other concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]